Preliminary Ballot Announced for the 2014 Bram Stoker Awards®

The Horror Writers Association has announced the preliminary ballot for the 2014 Bram Stoker Awards®. 

We at Nameless Digest are proud to see our own Cycatrix Press anthology, A Darke Phantastique, among many other fine contenders, as well as editor Jason V Brock’s nonfiction book, Disorders of Magnitude (Rowman & Littlefield), and managing editor S. T. Joshi’s Lovecraft and a World in Transition (Hippocampus Press) and William Hope Hodgson: Voices from the Borderland (Hippocampus Press) with Nameless contributor Sam Gafford and Massimo Berruti. Also, Nameless contributor, Stephanie Wytovich made the Poetry category with Mourning Jewelry (Raw Dog Screaming Press).

Congratulations and best of luck to all the fine writers and editors on the list!

The full announcement with all details can be found at:

A Darke Phantastique

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