Review Policy
Nameless accepts materials (DVDs, CDs, collections, anthologies, novels, art books, nonfiction compendiums and so on) for timely online review. Selected reviews will be printed in the magazine annually.
Please send materials for review consideration to the following address:
Nameless Magazine
c/o Cycatrix Press
16420 SE McGillivray Blvd
Suite 103-1010
Vancouver, WA 98683
We accept E-books and Multimedia electronic submissions (please send Art/Writing in PDF format and Audio/Video as a link to the content). NO CLICHE HORROR ELEMENTS – vampires, werewolves, zombies, ghoulish cemeteries, creepy clowns, scary children/dolls, cartoonish art/manga. THINK OUTSIDE OF THE BOX. Obscene/offensive materials will be discarded: no excessive gore, no pornography (though nudity is OK), no racial/sexual/sexual orientation/religious/regional bigotry/child abuse/rape or hatred.
If you are a reviewer, please submit reviews from the SUBMISSIONS page (under the INFO menu).
We do not guarantee that every (or any) submission will be reviewed.
Contact us if you have concerns related to a review submission (do not query before four months has elapsed, however).
Submissions CANNOT be returned.
Thank you.