CineManiac: A Movie Game for Horror Fans

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 . . . . . from the official press release . . . . . . . . . .
O.G.RE Games has recently announced the Kickstarter campaign for its first release: CineManiac, a unique, darkly humorous, card game played while watching your favorite horror movies.  “Plot” cards are used in reaction to events happening on the screen to acquire points, while “Curse” cards interact with other players (for example, forcing them to reenact death scenes, or impersonate iconic horror villains).  Movie night just got competitive.The game’s lead designer, Ben Fisher, is the author or the critically acclaimed graphic novels Smuggling Spirits, Hexen Hammers, and Splitsville.  The card art was drawn by comic book artist Mike Henderson, who has worked on Spider-Man, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Masks & Mobsters, and, currently, the comic adaptation of Cinemax’s Banshee.

death pool card

Ben says he got the idea for CineManic while watching the horrendously bad “BloodRayne” with a friend.  He suggested they make the movie watchable, to the extent such a thing is possible, by each writing down 10 things we expected to happen.  For every correct guess, the other person had to drink.  CineManic uses a very different set of rules, but the basic concept of incorporating the very social act of watching horror movies into a game was born.

Mike was the perfect choice to handle the art.  His style can juggle both dark and morbidly funny with equal ability, and he loved the idea enough to work it into his busy schedule (which most recently includes drawing Marvel’s “Once Upon A Time” adaptation).

There are a few truly unique pledge options for the Kickstarter, including the option to have your likeness incorporated into the card art itself!  You can back the project here:

acting coach card

Additional resources:

Boardgamegeek Page:



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