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About Author /

Pushcart Prize-nominee and founder of JaSunni Productions, LLC, whose award-winning documentary films include Charles Beaumont: The Life of Twilight Zone’s Magic Man, The AckerMonster Chronicles!, and Image, Reflection, Shadow: Artists of the Phantastique, Jason V Brock is also the author of Totems and Taboos, a compilation of his poetry and artwork, the short fiction collections Simulacrum and Other Possible Realities, The Dark Sea Within, and editor, along with William F. Nolan, of The Bleeding Edge and The Devil's Coattails, the latter two published by Cycatrix Press. He has also edited the anthologies Future Weird: Science Fiction with a Touch of Strange, the massive, award-nominated A Darke Phantastique, and others. His nonfiction volume, Disorders of Magnitude, was an awards finalist. He also served as Managing Editor and Art Director for Dark Discoveries magazine for several years. His short stories, nonfiction articles, and essays have been widely published in horror, science fiction, and fantasy magazines, anthologies, and online venues. 

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