Author Spotlight: Sunni K Brock
The next entry in our Author Spotlight series (this month we are featuring contributors to Cycatrix Press’s upcoming anthology, A Darke Phantastique) is Nameless contributor Sunni K Brock.
Her story “Out of the Blue, and Into the Black” is a fiction piece about a familiar author:
“All that blue. Nothing but blue as far as the eye can see . . .
Bill gazed out of the window from his seat: 7A. He would rather have had an aisle seat, but the only ones available were in the exit row and at his advanced age he didn’t feel comfortable with all that responsibility.
As he downed the last of his orange juice, he couldn’t help but think about how many people would die if the plane . . .
They’re right. I’m too morbid…”
Bill who?
“I was thinking about the title of an unproduced Twilight Zone script called “Dreamflight” by William F. Nolan and George Clayton Johnson, and it must have triggered something in my subconscious. While traveling to a convention with Bill (Nolan), I was sort of dozing and had this idea. The story just wrote itself as if I were watching it play out before me. I thought it was important to bring in colors and senses into the dreamlike quality of the story. And, yes, it is about Bill. All likenesses to people living or dead are entirely intentional.”
Sunni K Brock has been involved in digital creations since the late 1980s. She has consulted for Microsoft, Adobe, and Sonic Solutions. She has written nearly a thousand technical articles, created multimedia training, and developed numerous software tools. She is also a field expert in intelligent algorithms and language analysis. In spite of her strong background in computer science, she is not just a geek: Sunni is also a published poet, writer, and talented vegetarian cook. If she had spare time, she would spend it working with genealogy, doing crafts, shopping at the farmer’s market, and conducting experiments on controlled randomness. As one-half of the team of JaSunni Productions, LLC, her main functions are editor and sound technician. She is also a guiding force behind the company’s vision and direction along with her husband, Jason V Brock. She enjoys spending her days working alongside Jason, tending to their pet reptiles, and aggravating friends on Facebook.